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About the Library

Photo of the APA Library space

The American Psychiatric Association's Library began in 1949 when the first medical director, Dr. Daniel Blain, asked members to submit autographed copies of their books to share knowledge with fellow members. With a collection that includes archived relics and artifacts—a page from the Gutenberg Bible, admission papers to the 18th-century Bedlam Hospital in London—plus hundreds of rare books contributed over the years by APA members, the library and archives promises a rich trove for researchers and students of the history of psychiatry and the evolving understanding of mental illness.

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About the Space

Long held in storage, the Melvin Sabshin, M.D., Library & Archives recently found a beautiful, permanent home in APA's headquarters in Washington, D.C. The library provides an environmentally‑controlled space to maintain the collection for future generations and offers an inviting venue for members and researchers who just want to browse. Dimmed lighting in the display cases and bookshelves, comfortable seating, and a quiet atmosphere create an ambience of respect for the rich history of psychiatry.

About the Namesake

Melvin Sabshin, M.D., served as APA's medical director from 1974 to 1997, helping to move psychiatry toward an evidence-based rather than an ideologically driven nosology. He was a scholar of enormous intellectual depth and breadth with a profound regard for history.