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Archive Finding Aids

The Melvin Sabshin, M.D. Library and Archives holds the personal papers and manuscripts of numerous prominent psychiatrists, advocates, and historical figures whose work and ideas left an indelible impact on the history of psychiatry and our understanding of mental health, illness, and society's role.

The following finding aids (.pdf) are guides for researchers detailing the contents of the various collections. More will be added as they become available to the public.

Dr. Leo Bartemeier
Dr. Daniel Blain
Dr. Francis Braceland
Dr. Robert Neil Butler
Dr. D. Ewen Cameron
Dr. Hugh Carmichael
Albert Deutsch
Dr. Alan M. Drummond
Jacob Dunton
Dr. Addison M. Duval
Dr. Jack Ewalt
Dr. Clarence Farrar
Dr. Leo Kanner
Dr. Charles Pilgrim
Dr. Dudley Shoenfeld
Dr. Harry Solomon
Dr. John Spiegel
Edith Stern
Dr. John Whitehorn