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Our Programs

The APA Foundation administers transformative programs committed to reaching communities at every juncture of life - where you live, learn, work, worship, and play - to connect individuals with needed mental health resources and spread the message that mental health care works.

  • Schools

    The youth mental health crisis is staggering. The APA Foundation is empowering school staff with the training they need to support students and save lives with Notice. Talk. Act.® at School.

    Visit Schools
  • 1 in 5

    Students seriously considered suicide in 2021

  • Teacher
  • Stepping Up Together

    Stepping Up was launched in 2015 by the National Association of Counties, the APA Foundation, and The Council of State Governments Justice Center.

  • 580+

    counties have committed to Stepping Up Across the United States

  • Stepping
  • Center for Workplace Mental Health

    Support employee wellbeing and combat work-related stress. Access tools from APAF's Center for Workplace Mental Health to help build mentally healthy workplaces.

    Visit Workplace
  • 81%

    Of workers report that workplace stress affects their mental health

  • Female
  • Fellowships

    Elevate your residency training with an APAF Fellowship. Fellows receive mentorship, APA leadership positions, service-learning experience, networking opportunities, and so much more.

    Visit Fellowships
  • 2,000+

    Early career psychiatrists have been trained by the APA Foundation's Fellowship program since its inception in 1968

  • Past
  • Justice

    Our Justice program provides resources to law enforcement and mental health professionals to help reduce recidivism, improve outcomes for individuals with mental illness, and more.

    Visit Justice
  • 2M

    Times each year people with severe mental illness are booked into jails

  • Lady
  • Faith

    Faith leaders act as "first responders" in times of crises. Our Mental Health and Faith Community Partnership offers tools for collaboration between faith leaders and mental health professionals.

    Visit Faith
  • 70%

    Of the American population is reached by churches, temples, mosques and faith communities each month

  • two
  • Play

    The Where We Play Initiative draws from elite athlete and entertainer stories to foster understanding and provide accessible pathways to prioritizing mental wellbeing in high-performance environments.

    Visit Play
  • 1 in 3+

    Elite athletes experience mental health challenges

  • male
  • Melvin Sabshin, M.D. Library & Archives

    Explore the history and impact of psychiatry in the U.S. through APAF's Library & Archives, a repository preserving knowledge and transformative advancements in mental health care.

    Visit the Library
  • 1800+

    Rare books in the APA Foundation's collection

  • books
  • Grants & Awards

    We administer grants and awards to community organizations and individuals who are doing outstanding and innovative work in the mental health field. Learn more about APAF funding opportunities.

    Visit Grants & Awards
  • $590K+

    Awarded to organizations prioritizing advancements in minority mental health

  • person

Support the Growing Impact

By supporting the APA Foundation, you are helping us share the message that there is no health without mental health and accomplish our vision of a mentally health nation for all.

Support the APA Foundation