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Judges and Psychiatrists Leadership Initiative

Collaborating to Change Behavioral Health Outcomes in the Justice System

As leaders in their respective fields, judges and psychiatrists are in a unique position to champion initiatives that address the overrepresentation of individuals with mental illness in the criminal justice system—initiatives that ultimately enhance people’s quality of life, improve public health, increase community safety, and use public resources more effectively. The Judges and Psychiatrists Leadership Initiative (JPLI) creates a marriage between medicine and the judiciary, where passionate experts in both fields can work together to remedy a national crisis.

Core Priority Areas

  1. Enhance connections between judges and psychiatrists through web-based and in-person trainings, and the development and distribution of a newsletter to engage new judges and psychiatrists;
  2. Increase the reach of trainings in order to build the nonclinical skills of court professionals, which will lead to improved patient and public safety outcomes;
  3. Develop educational resources to increase understanding among judges and psychiatrists on the latest research and best practices around cultural competence.
  • Nominate a Psychiatrist Trainer

    If you or someone you know is a psychiatrist who may be interested in becoming a trainer, we encourage you to fill out the nomination form.

  • Judges Training

    Are you a judge interested in being trained by JPLI? Apply to receive our "Judicial Work at the Interface of Mental Health & Criminal Justice" training module for judges on addressing behavioral health issues when they arise in the courtroom.

Interested in Learning More?

Reach out to [email protected] to get involved and sign up for our monthly newsletter to stay up-to-date with the program and its many resources:

Sign Up Here

A Special Thanks To Our:


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National Center for State Courts logo


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