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Statement of Ethical Principles

The American Psychiatric Association Foundation upholds the highest ethical standards in its fundraising practices. As we seek funding from a variety of supporters, we ensure that each donation given to the Foundation upholds these guiding principles.

The Foundation only develops programs that serve its mission of advancing public understanding that mental illnesses are real and treatable. These programs take many forms including grants and specific educational campaigns designed to increase awareness of mental illness and access to treatment.

The Foundation maintains an independent position on issues affecting the welfare of patients with mental illness. The potential effect of such positions on the financial interests of a potential supporter(s) is not a relevant factor in the Foundation's decision-making process.

When a prospective supporter is approached or a prospective supporter approaches the Foundation about a particular project, the Foundation shall state the goal of the particular project and how the project will advance the Foundation's mission. The Foundation will also seek to fully understand the goal(s) of the potential supporter in providing funding for the project.

Foundation supporters may review the project's goals, objectives, and methods to determine if they desire to provide support but do not administer or direct the project in any manner. All day-to-day responsibilities for grant administration or project management are held by the Foundation. All content of educational programs is solely under the control of the Foundation.

Foundation supporters will receive appropriate recognition for their support through Foundation publications, event promotional materials and signage, and/or APA publications such as Psychiatric News. A Foundation supporter's corporate logo may be used to signify the corporation when appropriate.

The Foundation does not support the use of any particular product, treatment, or therapy including pharmaceuticals and will not endorse, promote, or otherwise mention the brand name of any product in its materials including publications, event promotional materials, and signage, or print advertising.

The Foundation's programs are prohibited from serving as a vehicle for the promotion or use of any particular therapy or treatment. The Foundation's programs raise awareness of the symptoms and experience of mental illness and seek to de-stigmatize mental illness by drawing attention to the prevalence of mental illness and the availability of effective treatment.

All Foundation staff members are provided training on ethical issues and ensure that all ethical principles are upheld. It is the responsibility of all staff members to raise any potential ethical concerns to the executive director of the foundation for review.

The Foundation will ensure that all supporters are familiar with these ethical principles and all supporters will receive a copy of these principles.

Approved by the board of directors - June 2004